exposing your dark side
Very nervous. The dark group is being encouraged to voice their own concerns in therapy today. Like a we aren’t gonna do it for you decision has been made. A go there and tell her you are unhappy about the potential for secrets to be shared yourself declaration has been made.
Typically we do their bidding, say their piece, make known their wishes without too much of a fight. Typically we don’t want them out, don’t want them making a mess of things, don’t want them snarling sinisterly at people. Typically.
But the EMDR lady, like the T before her, has made it known that she would like to talk to them. Isn’t afraid of them. Isn’t going to hold it against the rest of us. But also, unlike the T before her, that she wants to thank them, and *honor their opinions and decisions/not step on their toes*. She has already said that secrets can be kept until a time they deem it ok to share them. They, naturally, don’t believe she will stick to this. Also, they now want every secret ever told back in the vault. They are gathering them one by one and sweeping them into a pile to store all over again.
The EMDR lady did say she didn’t expect them to want to keep secrets that had already been talked through when she said it, but I think she is now getting the idea that isn’t how they took it. They are not kidding. They take the job of guarding and keeping secrets very seriously. She gave them some power and they are testing the waters to see if she ends up regretting her decision and going back on it. I’d say this is a crucial time, but that would be an understatement.

The brain is all awhir this morning, but not yet making much sense. It’s stuck like a record player on a scratch, setting and resetting itself to replay the same small thoughts over and over again, blowing them out of proportion and making my head scream.

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Today is much less optimistic than yesterday. Much less.
But still much more optimistic than Wednesday.
I think today is a day that can be ruled by attitude and gratitude. If I allow negative thoughts to enter, they will set up camp and take over. If I adopt gratitude I just might be able to stay out of the ditch.

And that all sounds fine and dandy, but my soul feels heavy. And it’s hard to function when I feel this much weight on my shoulders, gracious or not. But Ihave to try because sliding back into the abyss again isn’t on my list of things to do today.

Today I am grateful for new t-shirts that were free and remind me I’m #notdoneyet, that birds can sing songs at a reasonable volume sometimes, and people who can see the truth in your eyes and make adjustments accordingly.

What are you grateful for?

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Last night I sat and looked at the weather forecast and scoffed that it said it would be partly cloudy for the coming two days before serious clouds and possible rain roll in. I figured it would be a lie and I would wake up to blue skies today yet again. But nope, wispy white clouds are spread eagle across a good portion of the sky. Weird. That small difference and the heaviness and acute sting of memories has diminished significantly.

So, based on that, a good sunday morning to you and pass the coffee.

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Hell, we’re highly unstable with a cup of coffee- but it helps.
Thursday is finally here. Thursday and EMDR. Thursday and this damnedable week is nearly over. My body is still jumping around reacting to a danger 35 some odd years old.


There’s a slightly twisted gratefulness in still having all these physical trauma response manifestations still occuring – I hate reporting something only to have it go away and not be seen by the people who are supposed to be able to help. The weirdness is pretty intense over here, the EMDR lady needs to be given the opportunity to understand just how uncomfortable it is.

Next hurdle is my allowing her to fully see it. I am so good at hiding, so good at pulling it together so others don’t know how fucked up things really are. So good at pretending, only to have it spill out the second I am alone or a person looks away. We want help. I have to remember that- we want help.

We are being very careful this morning. Very careful! Head down, tail tucked, eyes diverted. It isn’t worth it to set off the feels of yesterday. Not worth it at all.

The feels are still there though. The feel in the air, the sound of the birds, the heaviness in my heart. I can tell that this, still, is a big week. Was a big week. I can 100% promise that as some point in our history shit went down yesterday and today (at least- more likely all week). No doubt in my mind.

The uneasiness and uncomfortable feels are ramping up; still no pictures.

And still be right

Back to a grey morning after a sunshiny bright day yesterday. The good mood we’ve been stoking is still in effect at this point despite our trying to figure out a goodbye card for the T. Two appointments left and we are finally beginning to accept that this is really happening. Two appointments.
We’re sad, but maybe not in the same way we were when we decided to do this. The sadness now is that the T won’t get to finish the “story”, that he won’t see the “end”. He said Monday there really isn’t an end and I agree with that, but he won’t get to see the completion of the memories, the memories “lying flat”, the ultimate cooperation, the demise of the self harm tendencies, the … “end”.
We may always need maintenance therapy. But it won’t be like it is now and it won’t be due to the huge struggles we have been facing for so long. Not even close. I assume that at some point we will be able to cut back on therapy, not the increase we have going on now.
And the T won’t be there for any of it. He said we can come see him anytime. We can call and check in or schedule a visit… but it isn’t the same. It isn’t how we always pictured it. We have dreaded for years the goodbye that we knew would eventually come, but we never assumed it would be because we had decided to leave. We always assumed it would be a result of his retiring and no longer being available.
But, too. there is excitement in this. Excitement we didn’t anticipate – coming from more than just young parts. LT, having finally talked to the EMDR lady on Thursday, is ready to join and help in therapy again. She had rather unceremoniously stepped back from the T and therapy a while back. LT, who is vital to forward movement, wasn’t engaging. And though I noticed, I didn’t really see how much it mattered. And now that I see her moving and trying to organize and engage again, I feel the forward movement ramping back up and truthfully it warms me. Makes my heart go pitter patter. This is a good thing.
It can hurt and still be right.

Gooooooood Morning!

We are in quite a good mood. Yesterday was definitely worth repeating and we’re all about trying to make that happen today.

We just submitted our application for a local art event and are looking forward to participating for the second year in a row, but this time in a dual capacity. Art is so very important to us- we find it’s creation insanely calming, but have fallen away from creating as of late. We’re hoping that participation in this event will jumpstart some of our creative juices again.

We’re still waiting on details from the tattoo guy, but even still Kaynen is grinning ear to ear about having been chosen. When submitting the form to contact the artist we had been unaware that it was an application process- some people were not chosen to be worked with, and Kaynen is quite proud of himself for having shared as much as he did because he insists it’s why the artist agreed to work with us. He might be right. I’m still a little uneasy about his having put the DID out there so freely, but it’s too late to take it back now.

Thursday is finally upon us. Thursday and EMDR. Thursday- the now more anticipated day of the week… more than Monday’s and the T. Interesting how that happened because Thursdays are notorious around here for being super hard. Thursdays, for years upon years have been the dreaded day… but no longer are. Thursdays are now the golden day when we get to the EMDR lady. We tend to leave there in pretty good space 90% of the time. Unlike time with the T where we tend to leave in much worse space and it takes a little while to even back out.

A reminder of why we are switching to the EMDR lady. This is why we are leaving the T. This is why. The EMDR lady is careful to ground us and make sure we are safe before allowing us to leave. Of course, once out the door all bets are off, but she tries at least.