Moody Tuesday

Tuesday. Day before the AIM conference vacation begins. We are wide awake after having gone to bed quite early and very hyper and switchy. We have a list of things to do, but are paralyzed from doing any of them based on all wanting to do our own actions first.

Evin is, well, brooding and sullen. The flashback seems to be slowing ever so slightly, but I can’t tell if that is a good thing or not. It was on rapid repeat and now it just repeats. Last night just before falling asleep, Randy picked him up and carried him to the safe place inside- all of us hoping that would help him calm some. It seems to have worked at least a little.

Kiddo, who hasn’t been very happy lately, is bouncy and wide eyed. The idea of getting to go to an amusement park has her being the kid she is meant to be. She’s chatty, but unlike before, also reserved and looking at us all with a sense of this isn’t quite right.

Kaynen is MIA for now, but I saw him around at some point yesterday, grouchy. There is no DBT this week because of vacation and potentially none next week if they get through all the material this week and so for him that danger is on hold. The T said yesterday he seems triggered by something there. Ya think? Yeah. No kidding.

The rest of us are just trying to keep it together enough to go to work and be ok/stay in one piece. The dark group has been laughing and hurting us while not even upset in a show of power while we are down. I’m done with that!

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